Menopause A to Z Slides
This new presentation slide deck has more than 200 full-color, fully referenced slides on menopause and midlife women’s health, with more than 60 topics covering the basics of menopause, vasomotor and vaginal symptoms, osteoporosis, cancer risk, hormone and nonhormone therapies, and much more.

Menopause A to Z reflects current guidelines and recommendations for managing menopause and associated conditions and contains an incredible wealth of information and resources for professionals who care for midlife women and beyond.
The set is a low $100 for members of The Menopause Society and $200 for nonmembers and can be downloaded from The Menopause Society webstore.
New Menopause A-Z Slide Set Now Available
The updated set provides clinicians with an understanding of menopause care, focusing on treatment strategies, lifestyle, and complex medical conditions. Case scenarios offer insights into individualized treatment.
The Menopause Society is grateful to Mayne Pharma for the unrestricted grant funding to support the development of Menopause A to Z. The company had no input into the content.