Become a Member
Members receive exclusive access to the latest research, teaching tools, and educational materials on menopause. Explore everything that membership offers and join today.

Membership Benefits
Membership in The Menopause Society offers many benefits designed to help you improve the health of women during the menopause transition and beyond.
Since 1989, the strength of the Society has been our multidisciplinary membership. These leaders in the field include clinical and basic science experts from medicine, nursing, sociology, psychology, anthropology, pharmacy, epidemiology, nutrition, and education. As a member, you are helping to lead the conversation about improving women’s health and healthcare experiences during the menopause transition and beyond.

Free access to an array of professional resources
- Menopause Journal, the Society’s peer-reviewed scientific journal
- Menopause e-Consult e-newsletter, providing expert commentary on clinical questions and cases
- Access to Practice Pearls offering a summary of the latest, breaking menopause-related news along with commentary by leading experts explaining how this news affects you and your practice
- Access to articles in the Menopause Step-by-Step series and the Zoom webinars that coincide with the published articles
- Position Statements and other reports addressing important and up-to-date clinical issues pertinent to women at midlife and beyond

- Registration discount to attend the Society’s Annual Meeting and courses
- Preferred pricing when sitting for The Menopause Society Certified Practitioner competency exam
- Discounted or free educational materials produced by The Menopause Society

Practice and credentialing opportunities
- Free listing in the Find a Menopause Practitioner database
- Free continuing education credits for activities such as Practice Pearls, a series of clinical overviews that tackle challenging problems
- Networking opportunities with the world’s experts in the field
What our members say
Membership Types
All healthcare professionals with an interest in the many issues affecting women as they approach menopause and beyond are invited to apply for membership in The Menopause Society.

Active Member
Licensed physicians and other licensed healthcare professionals or scientists holding an advanced degree in one of the biological or social sciences and others with professional or scientific interests in menopause. Active Members have the right to vote, hold office, and receive a subscription to Menopause.

Associate Member
Physicians who are serving approved residencies or fellowships and students may apply. Associate Members do not have the right to vote or hold office. They receive a subscription to Menopause and pay a reduced in-training registration fee for attendance at the Annual Meeting. Membership in this category is terminated 3 years after completion of training and the individual is transferred to an Active Member status.

How to join
There are two ways to join The Menopause Society. You can join online by following the link below. If you’d prefer to send us your application, follow the link to download the application.