Corporate Liaison Council

The Menopause Society’s Corporate Liaison Council was developed to foster the interchange of ideas between companies with a business interest in menopause and midlife women’s health and The Society, leading to new initiatives through which The Society’s Mission can be better achieved. .
The Menopause Society Corporate Liaison Council logo.

Companies are eligible to join the program by paying annual membership dues of $8,000. These funds help support The Society’s public educational efforts. Council companies receive many benefits including

  • One complimentary individual membership for the designated Council executive (The Society “point person” at company headquarters) for the full calendar year of 2024, providing all member benefits (eg, subscriptions to Menopause, First to Know, Menopause e‑Consult, and Practice Pearls).
  • One complimentary registration for a designated Council employee for The Society’s 2024 Annual Meeting to be held September 10-14, in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Preferred consideration of booth space in the Exhibit Hall at The Society’s 2024 Annual Meeting.
  • Recognition signage at The Society’s 2024 Annual Meeting, plus acknowledgment from the podium and on General Session slides. Plus, up to 10 “Corporate Liaison Council” ribbons for company representatives’ name badges.
  • One complimentary registration for a designated Council employee for the Menopause 101 course held at The Society’s 2024 Annual Meeting.
  • Recognition on The Society’s Website, plus a link to the Council company’s corporate Website.
  • One complimentary copy of any new educational materials from the Society.

An invitation for a designated Council executive (preferably The Society “point person” at company headquarters) to participate in a stimulating meeting and dinner with The Society’s Board of Trustees at its Annual Retreat to be held in Florida—believed by many to be the most valuable of all the program’s

2024 Corporate Liaison Council Members

The Menopause Society is grateful to the following companies that joined this important program for 2024. Although The Society permits links to these companies’ websites, being linked does not imply that we subscribe to all the content included within the sites. In particular, The Society does not endorse any specific product or service.

Membership Application

The Menopause Society invites your company to consider joining the Corporate Liaison Council for 2024. Additional information is included on the Membership Application.

For more information on the Corporate Liaison Council, contact Mary Nance or 440-442-7845.