Press Releases
The Menopause Society often appears in local and national headlines, sends out press releases on a routine basis, and takes media interview requests.

This is an archive of press releases prior to 2024. Navigate to our current press releases here.
11/29 Age at menopause could determine risk for decline in muscle mass and strength
10/25 Combination of therapeutic touch and music key to a better night’s sleep during menopause
10/10 What’s in your gut could be aggravating your menopause symptoms
9/27 Hot flashes linked with risk factors for cardiovascular disease
9/27 The impact of menopause stage on age-related changes in the brain
9/27 Obese women have worse menopause symptoms and get less relief from hormone therapy
9/27 The effects of sexual orientation on sexual function and distress
9/27 Post-traumatic stress symptoms can cause problems in the bedroom for midlife women
9/27 Hot flashes yet another early indicator for Alzheimer’s Disease
9/27 New technologies aid in accurately identifying bone fragility
9/27 Can you actually have a hot flash in cold weather?
9/27 Shedding pounds during midlife is difficult, but not impossible
9/27 Race matters when prescribing hormone therapy for women
9/27 New study suggests growing use of cannabis to help manage menopause symptoms
9/13 Early ovary removal likely to accelerate aging process and health problems
8/9 New survey confirms need for more menopause education in residency programs
8/2 Infertility may lead to more severe menopause symptoms
7/11 The North American Menopause Society is Now The Menopause Society
6/28 Hormone therapy may cause heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and chest pain
6/7 Osteoporosis too often misunderstood and ignored despite its serious health consequences
6/1 The North American Menopause Society releases its 2023 nonhormone therapy position
5/17 Catching a few extra zzzzs on the weekend could limit your risk of hyperuricemia
5/8 Hormone therapy increases lumbar spine bone mineral density, protects against bone loss
3/1 Despite misperceptions, hormone therapy may actually reduce risk of lung cancer
3/1 Vaginal laser treatment shows promise in treating overactive bladder syndrome
1/18 Body dissatisfaction can lead to eating disorders at any age
1/11 Menopause-like symptoms may strike before the menopause transition
12/14 Does what you drink affect your risk of urinary incontinence?
10/12 What’s new and what works in the treatment of hot flashes?
10/12 Pros and cons of hormone therapy for aging transgender women
10/12 Are midlife women doomed to gain weight?
10/12 Hot flashes are not just uncomfortable but also could be hard on the heart
10/12 Women with diabetes at an early age likely to enter menopause early
10/12 Hormone therapy may help prevent shoulder pain and loss of motion in menopausal women
10/12 Does a history of migraines mean you’re more likely to be a poor sleeper?
10/12 Traumatic experiences may be associated with lower levels of sex hormones
10/12 The effect of sexual orientation on sexual function in peri- and postmenopausal women
10/12 What you eat could contribute to your menstrual cramps
10/12 Night sweats versus hot flashes
9/21 Foot massage effective in improving sleep quality and anxiety in postmenopausal women
8/24 Shorter menstrual cycles may indicate earlier menopause and worse symptoms
8/3 More women turning to medical cannabis for relief of menopause symptoms
7/27 Prasterone shows promise in reducing severity of urinary urge incontinence
7/27 Diets high in n-3 polyunsaturated fats may help decrease risk of breast cancer
7/19 Telehealth proves effective in treating some symptoms of menopause, but not all
7/7 The North American Menopause Society releases its 2022 hormone therapy position statement
6/15 Top sexual health concerns of midlife women include pain and lack of desire
5/11 Temporomandibular disorder-induced pain likely to worsen in late menopause transition
3/21 Working shifts may delay the onset of menopause
3/2 Sleep apnea may lead to increased joint pain in postmenopausal women
3/2 New study suggests best chance for battling menopausal weight gain is during perimenopause
2/23 Obesity may lead to a decline in lung function in premenopausal and postmenopausal women
2/16 Age of natural menopause linked with intergenerational violence exposures
2/16 More than half of postmenopausal women experience female pattern hair loss
2/2 Bilateral oophorectomy could increase a woman’s risk for dementia
1/26 How listening to music can take the edge off the menopause transition
1/19 The link among resilience, sexual function, and quality of life in menopausal women
1/12 Severity of menopause symptoms can affect a women’s cognitive performance