About Us

The Menopause Society is a nonprofit organization with the mission of empowering healthcare professionals and providing them with the tools and resources they need to improve the health of women during the menopause transition and beyond. Since The Society was founded in 1989, it has served as the definitive, independent, and evidence-based resource for healthcare professionals and the public, providing accurate information about menopause and midlife women’s health. Its multidisciplinary membership includes leaders in the field–including clinical and basic science experts from medicine, nursing, sociology, psychology, nutrition, anthropology, epidemiology, pharmacy, and education.
The Society is committed to helping healthcare professionals navigate the challenges and providing them with the tools that will allow them to provide their patients with the best care through the menopause transition and beyond. This ultimately leads to improving women’s midlife health and healthcare experiences.
The Menopause Society offers a competency examination for healthcare professionals who seek to become credentialed in menopause and midlife women’s health. By becoming certified by The Menopause Society, healthcare professionals have demonstrated a higher level of expertise in the field of menopause. Those who earn the credential are considered a Menopause Society Certified Practitioner (MSCP). Women seeking a healthcare professional who has demonstrated a commitment and expertise can search our database of credentialed menopause professionals in their area or licensed in their state.
How We Are Funded
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose support comes from membership dues from a diverse group of healthcare disciplines and those who wish to participate in The Society’s educational programs. The Menopause Society convenes an annual scientific meeting and receives registration fees from attendees and fees from companies for a booth in the Exhibit Hall. We publish the scientific journal Menopause and receive a royalty payment from the publisher that includes revenue from advertising and reprint sales. Additional sources of revenue include the sale of educational materials.
In addition to these fees, The Menopause Society accepts charitable contributions from corporations, foundations, and individuals (members and nonmembers) to support the educational programs, research, and other activities of The Society.
Gifts and grants are considered unrestricted unless specifically restricted by the donor. We have full and sole fiduciary responsibility for allocating all unrestricted and restricted gifts and grants for activities of The Society.
Code of Regulations
The Code of Regulations are the guidelines for operations The Menopause Society follows. The Code of Regulations includes the purpose and objectives of The Society, the mission and vision statements, categories of membership, Board of Trustees and Officer information, and meeting requirements.
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