Donor Information
Your donations support improving the health of women during the menopause transition and beyond.

The Menopause Society thanks you for considering a donation in support of The Society’s Mission of empowering healthcare professionals to improve the health of women during the menopause transition and beyond.
For more than 35 years, The Society has served as the definitive, independent, and evidence-based resource for healthcare professionals, researchers, the media, and the public. The Society leads the conversation about improving women’s health and healthcare experiences during the menopause transition and beyond.
The Menopause Society is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are deductible. You will receive a letter documenting your donation and will be listed as a donor.
Donations to The Menopause Society
Education & Research Fund (ERF)
This fund is designed to support The Society’s special initiatives such as the highly regarded Mentor-Mentee Program, Practice Pearls, MenoNotes, and others.

Unrestricted Donations
These donations enable The Society to respond to new initiatives and unanticipated opportunities and support trainee scholarships.

Irwin J. Kerber Membership Scholarship
This scholarship is designed to recognize Dr. Kerber, a long-time member who has dedicated his career to women’s health.
Kenneth W. Kleinman Endowed Lectureship
This donation is in memory of and designed to recognize The Society’s founding and long-time legal counsel for his dedication and more than 20 years of service to The Society.

The Menopause Society is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Society appreciates donations in support of its Mission of empowering healthcare professionals to improve the health of women during the menopause transition and beyond.
Our Donors
The Menopause Society extends its heartfelt thanks to our donors who have generously contributed their support to The Society’s Mission of empowering healthcare professionals to improve the health of women during the menopause transition and beyond.
For a list of our recent donors, click here.